Friday, 1 May 2015

Tips for ease of decision making review
Tips for ease of decision making
For the freshers or even the ones at high designations; possessing decision making skills is a must! They need to balance the decision making processes with a bit of “rashness.” There is a desire to be well versed with the techniques that would be of great assistance in guiding the decisions and keep you from worrying about the repercussions.  Here are 5 tips to help you balance out decision making process:
Keep yourself going with a self-imposed deadline. It’s simple enough to incorporate: any time you have to make a decision, just set the timer and begin the process. Though time limit puts pressure on you but it also helps to quickly assess the pros and cons and land to a decision. The simplicity behind this tip makes it very accessible. This would prove to be highly beneficial in increasing your pace taking the decisions rather than delaying it.
2. Think deeply 
There arise situations when the number of choices is more than desired. This anyhow doesn’t ease the process but leads to more problem in analyzing as to which one is the best. Hence, in this case you are desired to judge the available options as good or bad; this will simplify and quicken the process of weeding out the less optimal decisions.
3. Go for probability
In case all the options available with you are of equal value then you ought to rely your decision on probability. For this, write down your best ones on separate pieces of paper, place them in a hat/bag and pull out a piece randomly to make the decision.
4. Live in the moment
Focus more on the tasks and thus the decisions to be taken rather than putting all the energy on thinking about the possible outcomes. You are not required to judge each step along with its every outcome. It’s better to save that energy for the task at hand, and simply try and make the best decision possible. The focus has to be on reaching to a decision based on what will make the next step the easiest instead. Doing this for every step is a great choice for the chronic non-decision maker.
Positive thinking influences the decisions on rational level as well as on psychological level. Thinking that the decision might lead to bad results slows the decision making process; hence focus on the positive side of making the decision without wasting time.
Instead, we should see delaying the decision as worse than making a bad decision. Bad decisions can be recovered from and learned from, but not making a decision at all means we don’t get to determine how our lives unfold. A fear of failure means that something or someone will make that decision for you.
Being good at decision making speaks volumes of your ability to excel at a top level designation.

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