Deciding whether to choose part time or full time job is a big one. As both have their own pros and cons. However, the number of hours you work also can affect your retirement funds and your access to health benefits. In some cases, the expenses associated with your employment may be too high to justify working part time.
Being a full-time employee endows one with a steady income but need to work 40 hours per week. Employers often provide health benefits, paid sick leave and retirement plans for their full-time workers. Government also avails several benefits for full-time employees like, Social Security benefits are calculated from average earnings over a worker’s lifetime, according to the Social Security Administration. The more you work, the more Social Security benefits you’re likely to receive after you retire.
But the catch is that a full-time job makes it difficult to handle family obligations and it is more so for workers who have young children or ill relatives. Parents often have to miss out on many activities of their children due to the demands of full-time employment. Working full time also leads to stress due to the continuous work pressure that one has to handle.
Contrastingly, part-time employees have more time to look after their children, get a college degree or pursue other interests. One gets ample time to complete the work as well as stay own job skills up to date so that it becomes easy to pursue full-time employment after raising children or getting a degree. Also opting for part time job during the initial stage of career can help you determine if you enjoy working in a particular field before committing to a full-time position.
How much would you have to pay for transportation, work clothes or child care if you worked part time? Those expenses and others could consume most of the money you earn from a part-time job. The number of hours that part-time employees work often fluctuates, so you may not earn enough each week to cover your expenses. Moreover, it is noted that some part-time employees work as much as 30 hours per week, but they’re ineligible for health plans that full-time workers receive.
Both, part time and full time jobs are good but it depends upon an individual’s other responsibilities as well as interests that which one will be the best option for him. So choose wisely to have a good career ahead!
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